What’s This Research About?
This paper examines the effects of quadrupedal movement (QMT) on flexibility, strength, and endurance. While there are many types of QMT, (Move Nat, Parkour), the authors are primarily interested in Animal Flow (AF). Started by Mike Fitch, AF consists of dynamic quadrupedal movements that are practiced and eventually linked together into a flow sequence.
Previous research suggests that AF may improve cognitive skills, joint reposition sense, and create high core muscular engagement. This is the first research to examine whether or not it improves flexibility, range of motion, strength, and endurance. The authors hypothesized that QMT would significantly improve these outcomes.
TITLE: The Effects of a Novel Quadrupedal Movement Training Program on Functional Movement, Range of Motion, Muscular Strength, and Endurance
PUBLICATION: Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
DATE: 2020
AUTHORS: Jeffrey D. Buxton, Philp J. Prins, Michael G. Miller, Anthony Moreno, Gary L. Welton, Adam D. Atwell, Tirzah R. Talampas, and Gretchen E. Elsey
Quadrupedal Movement (QMT): A style of bodyweight training that incorporates postures and movements which mimic human neurodevelopment and animal postures and movements.
Animal Flow: A novel form of QMT that consists of dynamic quadrupedal movements that are practiced and eventually linked together into a flow. A flow is considered a series of movements in this context.
Functional Movement Screen (FMS): A movement screening tool that’s used to assess functional mobility and postural stability in different settings. The authors used FMS to assess whether or not animal flow improves muscular strength, endurance and flexibility. It should be noted that research does not actually support FMS as a way to predict athletic performance. According to systematic reviews that were published within the last eight years, there is very low evidence supporting FMS as a tool for injury prediction.