What’s This Research About?
This study examines whether or not a progressive eccentric strengthening program
is effective for hamstring strain rehabilitation. Was isometric knee flexion strength
restored (compared to the other side)? Was the angle-torque relationship restored
relative to the other side or did it cause a rightward shift in the length-tension relationship?
They also document the reinjury rate after a return to sport.
TITLE: Rehabilitation after hamstring strain injury emphasizing eccentric strengthening at long muscle lengths: results of long term follow-up.
PUBLICATION: Journal of Sports Rehabilitation
DATE: August 2016
AUTHORS : T.F. Tyler, B.M. Schmitt, S.J. Nicholas, and M. McHugh
Hamstring strains: one of the most common injuries in high speed running. They have a 20-33% recurrence rate. Hamstring strains often occur in stretched positions.
Eccentric strength training: Strength training that emphasizes resisting gravity and maintaining load while the muscle is lengthening. Example: One action of the hamstring is to flex the knee. This is the concentric action of the muscle. If the lower leg resists the movement of straightening the knee, that would be the eccentric aspect of strength. During running, the hamstring eccentrically works to slow down the forward motion of the leg that is moving forward. Eccentric strength training changes the length-tension curve by shifting when peak hamstring strength occurs.