What’s This Research About?

At the time of publication, this was the first systematic review and/or meta-analysis available on yoga for weight management. Previously there had been little research on yoga’s ability to affect weight outcomes. The authors conducted a thorough literature search and found a limited number of eligible studies especially for overweight/obese participants.

Twenty years ago, approximately 30% of the United States population was overweight or obese. Today that percentage has risen to 69%. Around the world the percentage has reached nearly 40%. With nearly three out of four people overweight in the US, we need to find as many ways as possible to decrease these numbers.

Exercise is a key element that can aid in this endeavor. There are many studies showing effectiveness of decreasing weight with exercise such as running, walking or weight training. Unfortunately, for some, compliance can be lacking with these exercise choices so it would be helpful to have some other options. Perhaps exercises such as yoga might be more amenable to people and subsequently may lead to weight loss. 

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