What’s This Research About?
The aim of this research review is to examine whether the evidence supports an exercise intervention of stretching the anterior aspect of the shoulder and strengthening the scapular retractors to alter the resting position of the scapula in individuals with abducted scapulae.
TITLE: Effectiveness of Strengthening and Stretching Exercises for the Postural Correction of Abducted Scapulae: A Review
PUBLICATION: Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
DATE: 2010
AUTHORS : Con Hrysomallis
Abducted scapulae: Scapulae that at rest are abducted in the frontal plane, protracted in the sagittal plane, and internally rotated about a vertical appearance. Gives the appearance of rounded shoulders.
Research review: A critical evaluation of recent research on a particular topic.
Scapular alignment: The position of the scapula at rest on the thorax
Scapulothoracic joint (ST joint): The functional joint formed by the scapula and the thorax. Lacks ligaments, a joint capsule, and direct osseous connections so it isn’t considered a true joint.